Classic subscription

Physical subscription
The recent identification card on which the subscriber’s data and photo ID are printed is provided with a chip that will be activated in the coming months.
The ID card will become the actual subscription.
Indeed, it can be used to upload the weekly, monthly and annual.
The card has an administrative cost of €5 and is valid for 5 years, upon activation of the service an additional contribution of €5 will be required for a total of €10
The card is personal, like the subscription and bound to it, and cannot be transferred.
To apply for a “physical” Recognition Card, it is necessary to fill out the forms in every part, attach a recent passport photo and hand in the completed documents at our bus stations in Piazza Matteotti in Como, Via Roma in Menaggio or at the authorized retailers.
Renewal of monthlies in the ticket office
Monthlies can be renewed from the 22nd of the month as long as you bring the original of the current month’s subscription to the ticket office.
For those who do not have a current subscription, the monthly or annual subscription can be purchased from the 24th of the month.
(Online monthlies are renewable for the next month starting on the 15th of the month).